
Welcome to bottest.ai!


bottest.ai is a feature-rich chatbot testing platform that enables teams to develop their AI-based chatbots confident in their quality, reliability, performance, and safety.

By using bottest.ai, teams save countless hours each week automating their testing procedures. Instead of copying and pasting prompts from spreadsheets into chat prompts after each change of the chatbot, teams can focus on what matters: building and improving their product.

User queries, expected and actual results, and detailed diagnoses of failures are all stored in one platform and used to generate advanced analytics. Whether your team is working with one AI-chatbot or a collection of chatbots, it's easy to understand exactly how each chatbot performs and whether any problem areas exist.


Developing and scaling an AI chatbot is difficult without the right testing tools. Teams will often develop their own makeshift tools and processes to alleviate the unique challenges that break traditional software testing paradigms:

  • Language based responses are subjective and non-deterministic. Unlike traditional software testing, where you have an input with a determined expected output, responses from a chatbot require a nuanced evaluation based on semantic meaning.
  • Upgrades or improvements in the AI can cause unexpected issues elsewhere. Each change to the underlying LLM or AI model may improve the quality of answers on some questions but cause quality degredation on other prompts. Developing a high-quality AI chatbot without extensive regression testing is practically impossible.
  • The subject matter experts often aren't the ones maintaining the code. The people in your team who can best determine how the chatbot should perform are rarely the same engineers working on maintaining the tests. This makes it very difficult to build comprehensive automated test coverage for a chatbot.

bottest.ai addresses each of these unique challenges with a suite of features to bring your chatbot's quality, performance, and safety to the next level. Our AI-powered Evaluation Engine detects changes in the content and tone of responses and allows for complete customization of the evaluations performed to determine if Tests should be passed or failed. Gain confidence in your chatbot's reliability with our full Suite Test Runs, and understand overall trends and changes on an individual Test level with the automatically generated Suite Run Report. Setup, record, and replay Tests all from the UI with no code or technical experience needed—so the subject matter experts can be directly involved with the testing process.

Get started testing now with the Quickstart Tutorial.