Chrome Extension

Chrome Extension

This guide will go over the basics of using the Chrome Extension, including recording, running and viewing results of Tests. You can download the Chrome Extension here.


Viewing Tests

You can manage which Test will be shown in the Chrome Extension using the 3 dropdowns at the top. To keep the Chrome Extension UI clean, these dropdowns will only be visible if you have more than one Bot, Suite, or Environment to choose from.

Recording Tests

The Chrome Extension is the only way to add/record new Tests. When first downloading the extension, you will be onboarded with a tutorial on how to record your first Test. After the tutorial, you will need to press the "Create new Test" button and follow the on-screen instructions to record a conversation.

You have the option of naming and saving the Test after recording. The only way to modify the Test configuration (such as the Success Criteria, Variants, etc.) is through the Dashboard.

Running Tests

Test Runs

You can run Tests by pressing the "Play" button to the left of each Test name. Doing so will open a new browser tab and begin replaying the conversation. Depending on the Test's configured number of Variants and Iterations, multiple tabs may be opened. While a Test is playing, you can press the "Stop" button to the left of the Test to stop the Test's execution.

The Tests will execute automatically as long as Google Chrome stays open. You can close the Chrome Extension or minimize Google Chrome altogether and the Tests will continue to execute as normal in the background.

Upon a Test completing, the tab will automatically close. If the Test seems to be frozen, the replay logic may be waiting an additional few seconds to ensure the chatbot has completely finished responding. You can always open the extension when on a replaying tab to view the current progress:

A Test that is still running will show:


Suite Runs

You can initiate a Suite Run in the Chrome Extension with the "Run all Tests" button. This will execute all Tests in the Suite and Environment chosen in the dropdowns.

If you have disabled a Test from being included in Suite Runs from the Dashboard, it will be displayed as grayed out:


Viewing Test Results

Next to each Test is the status of the most recent Test Run. Hovering over the colored circle will provide the name of the status:


Changing the Environment in the dropdown will update the status displayed to show the most recent Test Run status in that Environment.