Core Concepts


This guide will go over understanding what a Test is and how a Test relates to the other concepts.

At its core, a Test represents a single specific scenario you want your chatbot to be able to handle correctly. A Test can be thought of as the semantic meaning behind a request or series of prompts. A Test is more than a sequence of specific prompts, since there are practically unlimited ways to phrase the same question.

For example, a single Test might be asking your chatbot how to initiate a refund, and then having follow-up questions regarding the specifics of an order. There are many syntactically different ways to ask each of those prompts with the same semantic meaning, but they would all fit under a single Test, possibly named "Initiate a Refund." The specifics on how those questions were asked would be specified at the Variant level.

When Tests are executed they create Test Runs, regardless of whether they were ran as a Suite Run or individually.