Core Concepts


This guide will go over understanding what a Bot is and how a Bot relates to the other concepts.

At its core, a Bot represents the overall project or Test repository for a single chatbot product. For example, you will want to setup 2 Bots if you have both a customer-facing support chatbot and an internal chatbot to help with your company resource documentation. These are two separate "products" or "projects" and should be organized as such.

A Bot can have multiple distinct Suites of Tests that belong to it. For example, under a customer support chatbot you might have a Suite for all Tests that involve refund requests, a different Suite for questions you might want to be escalated to a human agent, and another Suite to ensure safety with the chatbot (these Tests might have attempted jailbreaks and other adversarial-based Tests). More information on how best to organize Suites is in the Suites page.

A Bot can also have many distinct Environments that it's deployed to. Despite these chatbots being at different URLs (for example, you might have a deployed chatbot at your production URL and a development one that is only accesable when on VPN), they still represent the same underlying Bot. It's useful to have the same Suites of Tests and easy ability to compare across Environments. More information on how to best organize Environments is in the Environments page.