Core Concepts


This guide will go over understanding what a Environment is and how an Environment relates to the other concepts.

At its core, an Environment represents a single deployed version of the Bot. Similar to the concept of environments in traditional software development, a single product will often be deployed in many places for distinct reasons (Production, Development, Staging, Features). Environments belong to Bots (not Suites), so you can easily setup the Environments you need for your product and share the Test Suites across all of them.

When creating a new Environment, you simply provide the URL of where the chatbot is deployed. will assume that the HTML/DOM layout of the webpage is functionally the same as the original recorded environment for its replay functionality.


Having a different DOM layout or large functional changes to the DOM will break Test replay ability between Environments.

Changing the selected Environment will update Test/Suite Run data to show the corresponding data in that Environment.