Core Concepts
Suite Runs

Suite Runs

This guide will go over understanding what a Suite Run is and how a Suite Run relates to the other concepts.

At its core, a Suite Run represents the combined execution of all Tests within a Suite, including each Test's multiple Variants and iterations. Similar to a Test Run, a Suite Run can have the following statuses:

  1. Pass: All Test Runs in the Suite Run received a Pass. This means all Evaluations passed.
  2. Fail: All Test Runs in the Suite Run received a Fail. This means all Evaluations failed.
  3. Mixed: The Test Runs in the Suite Run have a mixture of Pass, Fail, Mixed, or other statuses.
  4. Running: The Suite Run is currently running (or the results are still being parsed/evaluated)
  5. Stopped: The Suite Run was stopped manually before completing.
  6. Error: The Suite Run was stopped due to one or more errors during execution or evaluation.